Key West from Brilliance of the Seas
Key West was HOT! Too hot for me. We didn't have much time to begin with. We got into port around 11 and we didn't get off until almost noon. We pulled into the cost guard pier, so we weren't really near anything, and we weren't allowed to roam around anyway. They had a shuttle running the length of the pier and it actually brought us all the way to old town for free. Key West is a little too touristy for me, too many people, too many stores and way too expensive. We had a small ice cream and frozen key lime pie for $12 yikes! We had to be back on board by 4 to see Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.... it was well worth it. They put on an excellent show with a mix of new and old music, and man, they can still rock! They brought the house down with "I love rock and roll" and "crimson and clover". I felt like I was reliving my childhood. Our headliner show isn't until 10pm so we attended some other venues. First we saw Olivia Lane, very young, very energetic and a great voice. She was fun to watch, but when she lamented about her quarter life crisis, man did it make me feel old! From there we moved to the piano bar and watched Melissa Crispo, another awesome voice. She played piano and guitar and had a very bluesy vibe. Then we went to the 10 pm show for Delta Rae. We both went in thinking they were country and we probably wouldn't stay long, OMG were we wrong. They rocked the house! It's a band of 2 brothers, 1 sister and a childhood friend. The percussion is unbelievable, they play mostly original songs, and they have quirky stories in between songs. I'd love to see them again. Melissa Etheridge played one song with them, and they were in absolute awe. It was sweet watching them. Of course with all the music, we missed food. When we finally decided to go in search of something , there was nothing to be found. While roaming around, we found another band, Sonia Leigh was playing by the pool. Whew!! What an exhausting Day! I don't know how these rock and roll people do it!
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