Rain rain go away
Today was another day at sea. I think I like port days better than floating around in the ocean. To top it off, it rained for part of the day. It's ok though because neither of us ever goes in the pool during the day... I don't like the sun, so for the most part I slept today. We also cancelled our diving trip. $160 wasted isn't worth watching Bubba drown when his back gives out. I don't understand how it is getting worse. He did something to it before we left Boston, and you would think with all the sleep he's getting that it would make it feel better, but no such luck. He even went to the doctor on board who gave him two shots and some higher strength pain pills. The fees weren't even that bad. The sign says they charge the current US Medicare rates. His doctor's visit, the shots and the meds came to $187.70, and it included a urinalysis to rule out a kidney problem... maybe we should be sick on board more often! Tomorrow is Cozumel. The person we were supposed to dive with (Alison) said that if the other couple backs out too that she would refund our money... Should I be praying for rain? Two weather systems just hit Mexico, and another one is supposed to be forming right where we are headed, so it may be raining all day tomorrow anyway. We took out trip insurance, so maybe we can get some of the medical and maybe the dive trip back... I've never had to file a claim, so we'll see how this all works.... It will be an experience. Good or bad is yet to be seen. It's 1:00 am, so I think it is bed time for me....
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