
Showing posts from September, 2013

You know it's a good day when you have to wear a helmet

Today was our last day on the oasis.  All I have to say is that it is a huge ship and has too many people, but in Royal Caribbean fashion, it was still fun.  I rode the zip line today! Bubba's back hurt, so that was his excuse for not riding.  It is very short, only 82 feet, but it is high! It's about 10 stories up, and it was fun.  We also ate at one of the specialty restaurants. It was the Japanese one and it was decent.  I probably would have thought it was great if I liked sushi or fish, but we had a chicken and steak hot rock, which means, we paid someone so that we could cook our own food... Needless to say, Bubba did the cooking.


We spent the day in Cozumel... not diving.  Yes, I'm disappointed, but it did keep Bubba from drowning.  When we got here, the sun was out and it was beautiful.  Now it is raining and very steamy.  Although we did not get a text from the diving company, I can guess they went out.  Which of course that means that we donated $160 to her shop... Oh well, I guess it would have been worse had he drowned.  I did buy a beautiful earring and necklace set for myself that I wouldn't have bought if we were on a boat, so all is not lost.  What do you think? I really liked Cozumel, and I'm looking forward to coming back.  The plan right now is next summer/ fall for the whale sharks.  The taxi driver said to stay on the north side of the island, so we'll have to look into it.  He also said there is an all inclusive place right on the beach, I think it was called something scuba diving club.  That sounds like fun since we didn't get in the water t...

Rain rain go away

Today was another day at sea.  I think I like port days better than floating around in the ocean.  To top it off, it rained for part of the day.  It's ok though because neither of us ever goes in the pool during the day... I don't like the sun, so for the most part I slept today.  We also cancelled our diving trip. $160 wasted isn't worth watching Bubba drown when his back gives out.  I don't understand how it is getting worse.  He did something to it before we left Boston, and you would think with all the sleep he's getting that it would make it feel better, but no such luck.  He even went to the doctor on board who gave him two shots and some higher strength pain pills.  The fees weren't even that bad.  The sign says they charge the current US Medicare rates.  His doctor's visit, the shots and the meds came to $187.70, and it included a urinalysis to rule out a kidney problem... maybe we should be sick on board more often!  Tomorr...

Taste of Jamaica

Fried bammy at Taste of Jamaica

Jamaica Mon!

Well, we haven't actually left the ship yet.  Bubba went to the nurse's office and I haven't seen him since.  I feel like when we were in school and we were sent in with the sniffles.  Hopefully he is ok, he doesn't seem to be getting any better.  It looks to me like his sciatic nerve.  The pain runs from his back down his leg.  We're supposed to go diving on Thursday in Cozumel, that may not come to fruition if he can't carry his oxygen tank.  Oh we'll, live and learn.  I keep telling jim he can't go on vacation with me anymore... too many hospital visits... remember the one in Arizona last spring?  I thought I was supposed to be the sick one... The ship is pulling in right now to Jamaica, so we haven't missed anything yet.  I hope they have wifi someplace so I can finally post these.  This is the view from our room as we dock...

Monday in Haiti

Today we spent the day at RCCL's resort on Haiti.  It's about a 15 minute walk from the ship to the beach.  It was a beautiful day.  The sun was out and the water was warm and clear.  All in all it was a great day even though all 5000 people from the ship were in the same place at the same time.. not really my idea of fun.  Bubba's back has been hurting him since before we left, but now it seems to be getting worse.  He's even thinking of going to the nurse tomorrow.  We'll see what happens, hopefully there will be some miracle pill that will make home feel better.  Ok, off to bed again.  We're going to Jamaica tomorrow.  I almost forgot, we saw an American Idol singer... his name is Jerome Bell.  What a great voice!

Oasis of the Seas

Yes, we are on vacation again.   This is day 2 of a week long cruise around the Caribbean.  Today was an "at sea" day, so for me that meant a lot of sleeping.  There are a lot of pools on this ship, but we couldn't find any shade, I can't spend more than a few minutes in the sun without hearing my skin start to sizzle.  We went to a midnight comedy show, and it was extremely funny..... The first headliner's luggage got lost, and of course he was on the big D..... His favorite line.... What does delta stand for? Don't Expect Luggage To Arrive.  You have to admit, it is kind of catchy.  Tomorrow we go to Haiti, that could be interesting.  They say there is a very large fence between RC's property and the island itself...... Hmmmmm.  Time to go to sleep 1:34am......