Off we go on another adventure

Once again we had to get up way too early to catch a flight to JFK and then on to SAN.  So, how did this one come about?  My thoughts exactly... Once again, we tried to plan a trip to Iceland, and once again that fell through.  I wish there were more airlines that flew there, maybe it would be easier.  Anyway, I digress...  The flights to Iceland filled up again this time around and being somewhat cheap, I didn't want to loose all the money I prepaid on hotels just in case we didn't get there.  It would have been a very expensive couple of days... Oh about $800 between hotels and a car rental, and that didn't even include eating, so we started looking elsewhere.  We've run the gambit.  Paris, Amsterdam, The Hague, Yosemite, Montreal, Vermont, The Bay of Fundy... It was an extensive list.  I always think that is one of the hard parts of my job, deciding where to fly, you're right, I wouldn't trade it.  Ok, so San Diego came on the radar.  There's so much to do, so much to choose from.  Having an old friend :) who lives an hour away certainly helped with the choice.  So, we are almost there (are we there yet? Are we there yet? How about now?) another hour to go... I'm tired and I ate too many nutter butters.  I just want to get there at this point.  The only plans we have are to see Dennis and go to the Wild Animal Park --- that will be Tuesday, then come home.  I love quick trips.  I can always tell I'm aging when I think back to when I could fly to LAX in the morning, visit my friend all day, take the red eye home and still go to work the next day.... Now I need time to recover... Sucks getting old....
Landing in San Diego


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