Last night of vacation

As they say, all good things must come to an end, and that's what is happening way too early tomorrow. Yet another vacation will be done, but there is always the next one. The resort we are in now is dispersed up the side if a very steep hill, and I think it would be more appropriate for mountain goats, but it is nice and has a great view of playa hermossa. There is a shuttle bus around the resort, but we keep saying it is like a Disney ride, it seems to go either straight up, or straight down. There's one that has two bench seats and straps hanging from the roof to hold on to. Thank god for the straps, I just slide freely from one end to the other, it's actually a lot of fun, I just wonder how many people they have lost. Off to the airport again tomorrow and then home to the cold, it is almost spring though even if the groundhog did see it's shadow the other day!!


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