
Showing posts from April, 2012

Day 2 in AZ

Today we roamed around part of Sedona. We're such city people... Everyone is getting out of their cars with back packs and bottles of water and walking sticks and hiking boots, and here we are in our sandals with our cameras and one bottle of water to split between us. We made it back again even with our lack of preparation. It really is beautiful out here. It's warm and a little too sunny for me, but beautiful. I found every slice of shade to stand in as we roamed around. There wasn't much, but it was enough. We ate at bodacious burgers. It was great. Bubba had an elk burger and I had fried cactus strips on mine. Yum! After that we went shopping at an arts outdoor shopping center. Incredibly nice stuff, but it all has the prices to match. Needless to say, lots of window shopping! I need a nap!

Our trip to Arizona

It took about 7 hours of flying (in middle seats,) then 3 hours of driving to get here, but it is still beautiful. We had lunch at an Amish restaurant yesterday, yes an Amish restaurant in AZ. And it was great. Bubba had shoofly pie for the first time, and for me it brought back memories of the very sticky sweet stuff from many years ago in PA with my family "shoofly pie and apple pandowdy makes your eyes light up and your belly say howdy!" Driving through Phoenix, the cacti were in bloom, it's almost magical seeing all the colors in a desert. Driving further north to Sedona, not that much is blooming yet. It is cooler up here and the terrain is different. We tried to see the sunset through the rocks last night, but as is usual for us we were late, but even better than that, we saw a bob cat just feet away from us! Very cool and we didn't get eaten by it, which is even better! We ended the night at the grocery store... I was exhausted when I finally fell into bed.

Las Vegas

Yes, it has been another expensive trip to the glass show. I have no other vices, so I'm not that concerned about it. Right now I am sitting in the lobby of the South Point Casino because it is the only place with free wifi, Bubba is off desperately trying to loose his money... I bet he is doing an excellent job at that! The hotel is nice, lots of locals, but it's relatively cheap and clean so I won't complain. We should have paid the extra $25 and I could be napping right now instead of nodding off in this chair! Oh well, it was $25 more that I could spend on glass. We are looking at a new kiln. Something a little bigger and that has automatic settings. We'll investigate more when we get home. Speaking of which, I have another 3 and 1/2 hours until we go to the airport... Oh well!

A day in Las Vegas

Ok, so whenever we go to Orlando, I always comment on the young, pwt, and way too many babies on board, well... The Vegas crowd is a plane full of white haired overly plump people, there must be some good buffets out here to attract all this plumpness! And the day has just begun...