
Showing posts from June, 2014

What a long walk!

Our last day in Utah, and what a long one it was.  We started the day at the Red Iguana again, yummy and then drove south to the Timpanogos Cave National Monument.  It's not far from Salt Lake City, less than an hour, and it's actually an easy drive.  My legs were still sore from the ladder the day before, so I really didn't think I was going to attempt the walk, but looks are deceiving.  From the visitor center you can't see the cave entrance so I guess you can fool yourself into believing it won't be too bad.  Let's see, an incline of almost 1100 feet over 1.5 miles... OMG, I can't believe we tried it never mind made it all the way up and back.  It took us over four hours including the time in the cave.  The cave system is beautiful.  Lots and lots of stalagmites and stalagtites.  The walk through does require some bending and stooping, and even some stairs, which just complicated the pain in my legs, but it was still beautiful. The walk is...

Day 2 in Utah

We always seem to find interesting places to discover.  Today we went salt water diving in Utah with tropical fish.  Yes it is a land locked state, but should that stop us?  We went to a place called seabase, and driving up to it we kept asking each other is this? It was fun.  Ok, to preface our dive, we have been diving for almost 20 years, but in that time frame most have been in the Caribbean.  We' ve never kept track, but we do dive about once a year, so maybe about 15 to 20 dives only in all those years, but that being said, we are very used to seeing very far or very deep.  This dive had very limited visibility, maybe about 6 feet.... Yikes! It was freaking me out a bit, but it was fun anyway.  Although we never did see the sharks, we did see some decent size fish, and we fed them lettuce, yum?!?  The visibility reminded me of our very first dive and last time we ever dove in New England.  Driving back we saw the Great Salt Lake State P...

This was supposed to be

A weekend in Iceland.  I've wanted to go there for years, but the non rev gods weren't with us again, and we had to change our plans.  We are in Salt Lake City.  I guess it's not quite as exotic, but we've only been here for about 12 hours, and we've already had loads of fun. First stop from the airport was the Red Iguana.  It lived up to it's memories.  We found it a few years ago when we were here for a U2 concert, and Bubba has talked about it ever since.  They pretty much have yummy everything.  I had a chicken enchilada in a poblano mole sauce and Bubba had some kind of pork in a mango mole sauce.   While we were there, Bubba found a flyer for the Utah Arts Festival.  We went there after lunch.  It lasts all weekend, and today was the first day.  There are tons of arts and crafts booths with beautiful stuff to buy (which of course we did) and later in the day there were bands and other entertainment.  We went to find our h...